Our young children certainly were part of a big moment last
Friday. Simon and Jess had been married for one week by this point, but, as I
explained at the beginning, they just had so much fun at their first wedding
that they wanted to do it all over again with us.
The children sat in the social hall on either side of the “aisle”
waiting for Simon and Jess. The chuppah came down first, carried by four
teachers. Led by Hazzan Dienstfrey, we welcomed them by singing “Hinei Ma Tov.”

Simon then showed everyone their ketubah, or marriage contract.
One friend noted that her parents had one, too, but it was at home in a frame. Simon
explained that the picture showed two intertwined trees; one friend thought the
picture needed a volcano.
Next came the actual seven blessings, sung beautifully (of course)
by Hazzan Dienstfrey. I offered a child-friendly translation of each one:
Thank you, God, for making grape juice and wine.
Thank you, God, for creating the world.
Thank you, God, for creating people.
Thank you, God, for creating people to be good like You.
Thank you, God, for special celebrations.
Thank you, God, for helping make the bride and groom so happy.
Thank you, God, for everything: joy, happiness, laughter; friends,
families, and teaches; brides and grooms. May we all be happy together.
It should be noted that the children were transfixed throughout
the entire service. There was hardly any squirming and the room was very, very
quiet. We hadn’t talked to the children about being still and quiet, and I
would have expected more murmuring and fidgeting. But I think the children sensed
that they were part of something sacred and special.
Finally, the part everyone was waiting for: the breaking of
the glass. After Simon and Jess stepped on the glass together, the children all
shouted, “Mazel tov!” We then sang “Siman Tov u’Mazel Tov” and danced to “Mayim

We enjoyed challah, grape juice, clementines, and cupcakes.
Then it was time to share the gifts the children had spent the whole week
making. When combined, the gifts made a complete Shabbat Bag for Simon and Jess.
We hoped that they would use the gifts in their new Jewish bayit (home) to
celebrate becoming a mishpacha (family) and sharing their ahava (love) for each

The teachers bought Simon and Jess a kiddush cup, as those
are often tricky to make.

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