Founded in 2005, Agudas Achim Preschool will turn thirteen this school year. This milestone provides us with the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past and think about the future – to think about the kind of community we want to be and the kind of program we want to offer. To that end, I want to share just a few exciting new changes, large and small, to look forward to this fall.
Our playground, already a perfect balance between a traditional play space and a natural environment, will be made even more beautiful when the children work together to plant a garden. There’s a particular corner that needs tending to. Working with parent volunteers, we’ll hopefully plant a flower garden that can be enjoyed over multiple seasons by the entire community.
Kitah Katom friends
enjoying some of our new vehicles. |
We are so fortunate to have the social hall available to us; few, if any, other preschools have such a large and well equipped gross motor play space. But, much of the equipment has begun to show its age. Last year we purchased Imagination Playground, or big blue blocks. This year we’ll have new riding toys, including low riders (think Big Wheels), a “taxi” for transporting friends, and even a space buggy, which will be exactly as much fun as it sounds. We’re also replacing the worn foam blocks with newer, studier blocks perfect for climbing and tumbling.
Of course, each classroom will get new toys as well, many of which will be math and science oriented. Last year we’d noted that we needed more of those kinds of toys in the classrooms. To that end, we’re going to take advantage of an unused classroom this year and equip it with a variety of math, science, engineering, and art supplies. This multi-purpose room will start out small, but hopefully grow to be something that truly sets Agudas Achim Preschool apart from every other preschool in Alexandria.
None of these new purchases could have been made without the overwhelming generosity of our preschool parents (and grandparents!) and the members of this congregation. Please know that every donation you make to the preschool helps provide our children with remarkable new opportunities to explore and to grow, which in turn allows our program to thrive. Thank you. Here’s to the next thirteen years.